People to Meet and Places to Explore

American Library Association
The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world and an important educational resource. It's mission is “to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.” Enough said.

The Atlantic
Providing excellent social, cultural, economic, and political commentary since 1857, this is one of the few sites I visit every day.

The Brevity Blog
The blog of this widely acclaimed literary journal offers a wealth of information for writers. The type of craft essays found here are difficult to find anywhere else on the web, in my experience.

Economic Hardship Reporting Project
The Economic Hardship Reporting Project (EHRP) is an editorially independent nonprofit that supports journalists covering social and economic justice. The EHRP plays a critical role in informing the public as well as legislators about issues affecting working-class Americans, with the goal of improving policies that have historically perpetuated inequality.

The Geena Davis Institute
I admire the work this organization is doing to equalize gender roles in the entertainment industry and reduce negative stereotyping in media through better representation.

Grammar Girl
Who or whom?  Which or that?  I love the Grammar Girl! I’m a bit of a grammar geek myself, so not only do I love that I can visit this site and get my questions answered, but also I just sincerely appreciate her dedication to the craft.

The National Coalition Against Censorship
I visit this site regularly to keep informed of what books are being challenged by politicians and/or parents and what citizens can do to fight this new wave of information and idea suppression.

National Public Radio
I check in with NPR to get in-depth coverage of world news and to find the stories no other American media outlet is covering. Many of their segments offer literary journalism at its best.

Poets & Writers
This magazine covers the nitty gritty of the writing life. Candid articles about the business and where to find opportunities to market your work provide great resources for beginners and seasoned writers alike. Their annual MFA issue was extremely helpful in making my decision to pursue an advanced degree in writing and what to look for in a program.

Publisher’s Weekly
The best place, in my opinion, to keep current on literary news.

The Writer's Chronicle
This is the magazine of The Association of Writers & Writing Programs. A brief article or interview with my morning coffee can help put me in the proper frame of mind to tackle a problem with an essay or manuscript I'm working on. This magazine has also introduced me to some great writers I may not have otherwise become familiar with.

Photo by Amy Mackin